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NFL Draft

Displaying all posts from the Category NFL Draft

The Lead Word

The Lead Word – NFL PreDraft Special And NBA Finals – 4.25.18

[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/434286741" params="color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true" width="100%" height="300" iframe="true" /] Chad and Trey give you their final thoughts in the final show before the NFL Draft, recap the last few rounds of the…

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New York Giants Draft

New York Giants 2018 NFL Draft War Room

The New York Giants are in an odd spot to kick off the season. What do the Giants do with Odell Beckham? What do the Giants do with Davis Webb?…

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That's Some Cheese

That’s Some Cheese – Episode 20 – 4.23.18

https://soundcloud.com/chad-bauman-304758844/thats-some-cheese-episode-20 That's Some Cheese returns with two things that are grinding my gears. Tune in to hear why I HATE NFL Draft analysts and why people that freak out about…

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New York Jets Helmet

New York Jets 2018 NFL Draft War Room

The New York Jets have a chance to turn their franchise around in an hour. The Jets have been the lovable losers in New York while the Giants dominate the…

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Houston Texans Draft

Houston Texans 2018 NFL Draft War Room

The Houston Texans draft class really happened last year. What do I mean by that? Well, Houston traded their valuable picks to land Deshaun Watson and rid themselves of Brock…

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Denver Broncos

Denver Broncos 2018 NFL Draft War Room

The Denver Broncos are the perfect example of why coaching matters. Gary Kubiak and Wade Phillips were able to lead this roster to a Super Bowl championship. The moron Vance…

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Indianapolis Colts

Indianapolis Colts 2018 NFL Draft War Room

The Indianapolis Colts suffered a lost season of sorts in 2017. The face of the franchise, Andrew Luck, did not play the entire season after dealing with a lingering shoulder…

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Chicago Bears

Chicago Bears 2018 NFL Draft War Room

The Chicago Bears are trying to surround Mitchell Trubisky with a robust supporting cast. The problem is the Bears are going to face the harsh reality that Trubisky isn't a…

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Oakland Raiders Draft

Oakland Raiders 2018 NFL Draft War Room

The Oakland Raiders are under a new regime with Jon Gruden. While he apparently doesn't believe in analytics, there's hope that an offensive head coach will help Derek Carr find…

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