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2024 MLB Draft Profiles: Trey Yesavage

Trey Yesavage
(Dylan Widger-USA TODAY Sports)

2024 MLB Draft Profiles: Trey Yesavage

We’re continuing on with these profiles. This time, we will focus on Trey Yesavage, a 20-year-old RHP out of East Carolina. Will it potentially the third time in four years a pitcher from East Carolina gets selected in the first round? Let’s take a deeper look and find out.

Scouting grades: Fastball: 60 | Curveball: 50 | Slider: 60 | Splitter: 60 | Control: 50 | Overall: 55

Right off the bat, there is a lot to like about Trey Yesavage. Originally a bullpen arm for East Carolina, the team quickly realized how valuable he was and moved him to rotation. Where he has continued to shine, shooting himself into the first round.

Yesavage boasts a quality four-pitch mix, with his slider/cutter being the best of the four. It doesn’t quite have the lateral movement you’d love to see but has enough depth to generate a lot of swings and misses. At the worst, being a quality ground ball/weak contact pitch.

His fastball sits around 93-95 but can get up to 98 on a good day. It’s not as lively as you want a fastball to be, especially at higher levels. But makes up for it with the rising action it has coming out of his hand. It’s a much-improved pitch both in its velocity and command, as he struggled at times to locate it in the upper part of the zone.

His curveball is probably his weakest pitch, but I use that term lightly as it still has the ability to miss many bats. Finally, he has a nasty splitter with some solid fading action that can be a great outpitch for him at the next level.

The only issue Trey Yesavage has really had has been the command. It’s never been horrible, but it also isn’t one of his elite qualities. His delivery isn’t as effortless as you would expect for a 6’4 kid. But it hasn’t seemed to prevent him from throwing strikes at a consistent rate.

I expect to see that issue fixed in the coming years, but as of now, it hasn’t been a problem for him. As previously mentioned, he has seemingly fixed the issues he had with the command of his fastball.

It’s still something to watch out for, but his fixing of the issue has allowed him to cement himself as a first-round pick. But if those same issues resurface at any point, it could really hinder his ability to succeed at the next level.

With a solid four-pitch mix and great command of all of them. It’s easy to see how Trey Yesavage ended up being such a highly-rated prospect. East Carolina seems to know how to develop pitchers, and Trey Yesavage is just further proof of that.

He has some kinks to iron out, but with the right coaching, there’s no reason why he can’t become a force on the mound at 6’4 225 lbs.


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